1 min read

Crib Safety Standards Expanded

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has issued new safety guidelines this week regulating the sale of cribs both new and used. The new guidelines prohibit the sale (and production) of drop-side cribs and call for stronger support for mattresses and stronger slat strength. These new guidelines also require companies to make the crib hardware stronger and more durable. Cribs now require more rigorous testing. With these new guidelines, the US crib standards will …

5 mins read

Five BIG Money Mistakes Women Make in Divorce

More than half of all divorced women fear they will end up a “bag lady.” Even high net-worth women are concerned they’ll run out of money and won’t be able to support themselves or their families. I get it: I’ve been there. Living through my own divorce — and advising the numerous women with whom…

5 mins read

Dangers of Drop Side Cribs

Are Parents Ignoring the Dangers of Drop Side Cribs? Search Data Says Yes. I learned recently that many parents are ignoring some of the most important sleep safety practices. In the United States, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is the leading cause of death, but since the since the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) decided…

5 mins read

Do You Need a Dose of C.T.F.D?

After surviving another holiday stressmas season, my New Years Resolution is simple: Im adopting the new parenting approach experts call CTFD.CTFD was first endorsed by parenting authorities this past summer. Especially now that my kids are teenagers, I see the wisdom of CTFD, or Calm The F*ck Down.Most parenting advice focuses on kids. This is a real problem. Kids are fine as is. Its parents who clearly need help …