3 mins read

How To Stage Your Brand From The Comfort Of Your Home

I thought our level of privacy had totally gone out the window pre-Corona virus, but now, our entire world is exposed as we try to "carry on with business as usual" from the comfort of our homes, in our pajamas. Our home is now where we spend ALL OF OUR TIME, where we conduct our…

4 mins read

Autism and On-Line Etiquette

Autism and On-Line Etiquette My son is an on-line gamer. Recently, he’s been playing this Risk-like game that takes place in Europe and can be a multi-player game. He likes doing the multi-player because he can occasionally get a player or two from Europe. The game can have up to thirty players at a time.…

5 mins read

Four Ways To Promote A Happier and Healthier Life

What do huge organizations like Google, FedEx, Harvard University and the American Army have in common? They have all acknowledged the benefits of promoting happiness in their institutions and use Positive Psychology (the study of wellbeing) techniques to bring out the best in their communities. Advocates of this relatively new science explain that all of…