2 mins read

How Early Can an Ultrasound Detect a Fetus?

Ultrasound is a wonderful tool that is used throughout pregnancy to determine fetal health, normal development and the estimated due date. Ultrasound is often used in early pregnancy to confirm a pregnancy and date a pregnancy if a mother is unsure of the first date of her last menstrual period.

5 mins read

When Does a Baby in the Womb Hear Sounds?

Most people realize that once they have children, the days of swearing (not to insinuate that you ever do) are long gone. Contrary to what some people believe, it is not “cute” to hear a toddler using foul language. This only leads to trouble when school starts and can get your child off on the wrong foot with teachers and other parents. Nope, the swearing has to stop. But, did you know baby can hear you long before you give birth?

2 mins read

What Are the Dangers of Ultrasounds & Pregnancy?

Ultrasounds aren’t a necessary part of ordinary prenatal care but may be desired by the expectant parents or even deemed medically necessary in the event of potential pregnancy complications, notes the American Pregnancy Association. This type of scan, also known as a sonogram, can be used throughout pregnancy to detect potentially dangerous conditions such as tubal pregnancy or fetal death. Ultrasounds can also be used to estimate delivery dates, check the mother’s reproductive system for any abnormalities and even to guess the future child’s sex. While ultrasounds are not considered extremely risky by medical institutions such as the Mayo Clinic, expectant moms should avoid them unless absolutely necessary.

4 mins read

Parenting Motto: How Would This Sound on the Six O’Clock News?

I have always relied heavily on my gut to guide me through big decisions and it has, for the most part, been very good to me. I have been told that I have a good head on my shoulders and I think it is fairly accurate (apparently Im feeling really modest today too). But if you dont know me then it helps to have some background here.