7 mins read

Helping Your Teen Put Together College Applications

So what does it take to get into college? Well, the answer depends on quite a few factors. The type of major, high school academics, standardized test scores, teacher recommendations, the personal statement, the interview, extra-curricular activities, leadership skillsthe list goes on and on. Thats why, as Ive said many times before, its best to start thinking about college early. How early? In my opinion, it truly is never too early.

3 mins read

Myths about Autism – Part One

I was recently encouraged to list what I consider are popular myths relating to autism. Over my next few blogs, I will list and discuss some of them. Myth #1: Vaccines cause autism This is my number one myth for a reason! How many reasonable and factual studies does it take to debunk that 1998…

5 mins read

Why It’s Important to Find the Right Doctor for Your Tween

By K. L. Blankson, MD It was easier when she was first born. Everything was, well, scheduled. The two -week visit. Then the 2-month visit (that 6 week gap felt like forever, didnt it?). The first set of many scheduled immunizations. The assessment of developmental milestones. Cooing, eye contact, rollingand then it seemed like she went straight from crawling to calling you to pick her up from the mall.

3 mins read

Can Spoiling a Child Cause Bad Behavior?

If you spoil your child, you are creating a person who does not want to share, cannot wait his turn, is unappreciative and always wants his way, according to WebMD. If you consider those traits to be bad behavior, then spoiling a child most definitely causes it. Children with these traits are not only unpleasant for you to live with, but they often have a difficult time out in the real world when they discover that not everyone will give them what they want.