6 mins read

Top 20 Fall Wardrobe Essentials for the Modern Mom

Whether you're a working mom, stay-at-home mom, or a little bit of both, you need essentials in your wardrobe that can maximize your time (because let’s be honest, there are never enough hours in the day), your budget, and most importantly, get the job done!  When you’re on the move all day, you also want…

3 mins read

When Can Women Wear Leather Pants?

A woman can wear leather pants whenever she desires. The key is to feel good about wearing them; otherwise, the pants will wear you. Fashion is fickle. So either decide to be a trendsetter or a fashion watcher who just keeps an eye on the trends. There is a fine line between being bold and being clueless. Choosing an appropriate silhouette for your particular shape is not difficult as leather pants are available in a wide variety of cuts, colors and styles.

2 mins read

Clothes to Hide Pregnancy

If you’re starting to show but aren’t quite ready to tell friends, family or co-workers about your pregnancy, clothes that hide your growing belly can be a help. Traditional maternity fashions will make you look more pregnant, rather than less, but choosing slightly oversized clothing in different styles can help you disguise your pregnancy.