2 mins read

Getting Your Child to Sleep While on Vacation

Vacation. Its a great time for families to experience new things and have fun adventures, but it can also wreak havoc on a childs sleep routine. Sleeping in a new place is never easy and you can expect that there will be interruptions to the sleeping patterns that your children have become so accustomed to. Knowing this going in – in addition to the tips below – will make for a smoother transition and a better vacation time for all!

2 mins read

Safe Sleeping Medications for Children

For some children, despite their parents’ best efforts, sleep doesn’t come easily. If your child’s attempt to fall into a restful slumber results in a struggle each night, he may suffer from a sleep disorder. While the FDA does not recommend any sleeping medications for children, some doctors opt to use sleep-aid medicine in an “off-label” fashion. When a doctor uses a drug “off-label,” he is using the drug in a way that it wasn’t originally intended. These “off-label” sleep aids likely pose little risk to your child and, with a doctor’s guidance, may prove to be the answer to his struggles.

3 mins read

Is It Safe to Take Sleeping Pills While Pregnant?

Until further study, pregnant women are generally not recommended to take sleeping pills. Your doctor will likely only prescribe sleeping medications that have been tested on pregnant women and are proven safe, or if the health benefits outweigh any risk. If you are pregnant and experiencing insomnia or having trouble sleeping, always talk to your doctor before using any type of sleep aid to make sure it will not affect your baby.

2 mins read

Foods That Help Toddlers Sleep

It is common for toddlers to go through phases during which they have trouble falling or staying asleep. Its prevalence, though, does not make it any easier on a sleep-deprived parent. If you find yourself having bedtime battles with your toddler night after night, you might consider adding some of these sleep-inducing foods to your child’s diet. As some of these foods are potentially allergenic, be sure your child has no history of food allergies before serving them.

2 mins read

Why Babies are the Worst Band-Aids

I think we all know a girl or two that got pregnant for the wrong reasons. Women who thought a baby would help re-connect them with their partner, bring them closer together and kak like that.