2 mins read

School Supply Shopping For Six Kids!

The time has finally come. I can hardly believe it. This September, all six of my children will be in school. Many years ago, I said I was going to host a champagne breakfast on the day that my last child goes to school. It shocks me that my champagne breakfast is in the very near future.

3 mins read

4 Great Freebie Sites for UK Moms

As a mom, getting things for free may be one of your priorities. With all of the money that you spend on groceries, home necessities and apparel for the kids, there’s simply nothing better than being able to get something for free once in awhile.

4 mins read

Saving on Back to School Gadgets and Gear

Going back to school this fall looks very different this year and many parents feel stressed trying to adapt to remote learning while also working from home. Not to mention, distancing learning comes with higher costs, too. In fact, the 2020 Back-to-School Survey from Deloitte found that 51% of parents will spend more on internet-based…

3 mins read

Back To School Tips For Kids With Allergies

The following is a guest post by Karma Bryan-Ingle For most parents, back to school time comes with a bit of anxiety. All of the typical questions arise Will my child have a teacher who is a good fit? Will he have friends in his class? Will he make new friends?

1 min read

Packing for a Pregnancy Hospital Stay

The nursery is finished, the tiny outfits are washed and folded and the house is neat as a pin. What’s left to do to prepare for your new arrival? Packing for pregnancy is not too complicated, but it’s a wise decision to do it ahead of time in case your little bundle of joy decides he has his own agenda. Once your bag is packed you can keep it by the door and be ready to roll when the big event finally arrives.