2 mins read

How to Deal With Disrespectful Children

When your child acts disrespectful, whether to you or another adult, it feels as though you’ve been slapped in the face. Children show disrespect for a variety of reasons, according to child psychologist, Dr. Victoria Samuel. Your child may speak back to you if he feels either ignored or that you aren’t being fair to him. He may act up simply to see how you or another grown-up will react. Whether you’re dealing with a younger child, preteen or teenager, make it clear that disrespect won’t be tolerated.

5 mins read

From Hugging to Hitting

If your baby is nearly six months old, cuddling and caressing is the best, new thing in town! She wants to touch and caress your skin – usually your face – and understands that you like it and also learns a lot from doing it. In doing so, she realizes that it gives you a “special” feeling.

5 mins read

Natural Wart Remedies

Conventional ways of dealing with warts–burning, freezing and cutting–aren’t likely to send you racing to your doctor’s office when one of these small, fleshy bumps first erupts on your skin. And why should you, when there are natural alternatives that are far less painful? Purveyors of old folk cures and complementary and alternative practitioners suggest slapping a variety of disparate and sometimes surprising ingredients on warts, from school board chalk to raw meat to a castor oil-baking soda paste. Start simple, using ingredients you can reach for on your kitchen counter.