3 mins read

Sexual Desire During Pregnancy

Myths about sexual activity during pregnancy abound, but the idea that sex will harm the baby or the mother, or that the baby somehow “knows” mommy and daddy are having sex, are simply false. Unless there are complications such as a history of miscarriage or leaking amniotic fluid that may prompt your health care provider to advise against it, sexual activity during pregnancy is normal, natural and healthy. Whether you desire sex while you are pregnant is a different matter altogether.

3 mins read

No Sexual Desire After Pregnancy

Newborn babies demand significant amounts of attention. After bringing the baby home, the house needs to be kept clean, you might return to work and people want to stop by and meet the new addition. Who in the world has time for sex with all of this going on? Losing your sex drive after giving birth is not unusual, and knowing it is a temporary situation will help you relax.

2 mins read

Good Food for a Woman’s Sexual Health

Your guy is a demon in the sheets but you are never in the mood, never able to enjoy yourself or having problems staying energized during sex. How can you keep up? Improving your sexual health can be as easy as simply enjoying these five foods on a regular basis. Become the goddess you have always imagined yourself being or once were…

3 mins read

How to Build Up Sexual Stamina

Are you longing to become a sexual dynamo but are just too tired to perform well? Take heart. You’re not destined to be a dud. Sex is not a talent—you aren’t born knowing the best ways to do it. It’s a skill that is learned and perfected. Sex is physical, psychological and emotional. To have a heightened sexual experience teaming with desire and stamina, you need to take care of yourself: body, mind and soul.