3 mins read

Fun Obsessions with Kids With Autism

Long ago, I accepted that my son gets obsessive. My oldest brother learned this about my son on a recent visit. He came out to California from North Carolina with his wife and daughter. One day, I played tour guide and I took them around to many of the Hollywood/Los Angeles touristy sights. Along the way, my brother and his daughter, sitting in the back with my son, introduced a car game they play …

8 mins read

Our Last Minute Gift Picks For Mom

There's a few short days left before we celebrate mom! Some of you may already have it all together, planned, wrapped and tagged (we love you for that). But, for those of you who have a bazillion balls that you are juggling and you just have not had the chance to grab that perfect gift…

6 mins read

How To Become Your Own Personal Trainer

Hiring a personal trainer is an excellent way to ensure you will get your workouts done. If you are currently working with a personal trainer or have had one in the past, you probably realized that one of the benefits of hiring a trainer is ACCOUNTABILITY. When you schedule and pay for the training session…

6 mins read

2022 – How To Choose The Path You Want To Follow

Happy New Year! Not to be nosy, but how are you feeling about it so far? I hope your answer isn’t “overwhelmed,” “frustrated,” and/or “exhausted.” In case it is, however, I have a bit of been-there-done-that perspective to offer. With my clients, I often hesitate to broach the topic of elevated expectations, lofty resolutions, and…

4 mins read

How To Stop Peeing When You Sneeze Mama

One of the most common pelvic floor issues among women is urinary incontinence (peeing when you run, jump, sneeze, or cough). I experienced this issue after the delivery of my children and have worked with countless women who had these issues. Ladies, it is a common issue and nothing to be embarrassed about. Many women…