4 mins read

How Sensory Gyms Help Kids on the Autism Spectrum

Guest Blogger Dina Kimmel writes this week... How Sensory Gyms Help Kids on the Autism Spectrum A trampoline, a zip line, and a climbing structure — these may sound like typical pieces of equipment at any regular kids gym. In actuality, they help foster an inclusive learning and play environment. They are some of the…

5 mins read

Sensory Difficulties in People with Autism

I found this list very helpful in understanding how a person can measure another personʼs sensory difficulties. It looks like good explanation of sensory processing issues for a layperson. What are sensory difficulties? Difficulties with loud noises, smells, being hugged, walking on certain surfaces, and having certain foods in your mouth are some examples. People…

2 mins read

Sensory Activities for Children

Children are natural explorers, so providing them with experiences and activities that stimulate their senses will fascinate them. Remember that almost any interactive or hands-on sensory experience will have greater resonance than a cultural or educational video. Follow the philosophy of early childhood specialist Howard Gardner, who developed the theory of multiple intelligences, and orchestrate experiences geared toward the various types of learning: musical, visual, kinesthetic, linguistic, interpersonal, naturalistic, mathematical and intrapersonal.

2 mins read

Baby Learning Games

Introducing infants to stimulating activities and educational games can develop language, communication, social and motor skills and also stimulate learning and creativity. Babies who are exposed to various games and activities at an early age also may develop a stronger memory, improve hand-eye coordination skills and establish healthy bonds with family members and siblings. Interacting with different toys and becoming comfortable with a wide range of sensory experiences can help infants mature at a healthy rate. Playing simple games with your baby can enhance learning.

2 mins read

Best Newborn Baby Toys

Baby toys for newborns should be as simple as possible because your newborn is still adjusting to light, sounds, textures and even the voices of Mom and Dad. Toys that are overly stimulating or deliver a multisensory experience can be overwhelming for little ones, leaving them anxious or even frightened. Newborns dont do much playing in the early stages of development, but they can see, watch and touch the world around them. Youll need to invest in some very simple and basic toys designed to introduce colors, noises and textures, since these will keep your baby happy and amused.