10 mins read

Shiloh Jolie-Pitt’s Name Change: What Parents Need to Know

This week, social media is buzzing with the news that Shiloh Jolie-Pitt, daughter of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, has filed a request to legally drop "Pitt" from her hyphenated surname on her 18th birthday this month. Shiloh’s decision has ignited a plethora of reactions online, from fiesty discussions about “Brangelina” family dynamics, celebrity relationships…

2 mins read

How to Find a Child I Gave Up for Adoption

Giving a child up for adoption typically leaves a lasting impact on everyone involved. As a person grows and matures or her situation changes, she may want to make contact with a child she gave up for adoption for a variety of reasons. She may sorely miss the child and wish to have a positive relationship with him, she may want to make peace with her decision and explain her reasoning to her child, or she simply may want to inform her child of medical or family history.