8 mins read

The Family Guide to Bug Bites 

Bug bites have been a persistent souvenir of outdoor activities throughout human history, and today, these pesky critters continue to trouble our families. It’s an all-too-familiar scene—your kids return from outdoor play, already scratching at fresh bug bites acquired in the backyard. To effectively deal with these nuisances, it’s essential to understand the distinct preferences and behaviors of common pests that leave us with itchy welts.

In this article, we’ll explore three of the most prevalent bloodsucking pests before delving into effective strategies to safeguard your family and home from these persistent invaders.

7 mins read

A Sneak Peek Into The Mind Of A Four-Year-Old

Ever wondered what’s it like inside the mind of a four-year-old? Here’s a typical day: 4:30 a.m.HmmIm half awake. It would be so much cozier in Mommy and Daddys bed – right smack between them where I can make my body seem almost twice as big, and Mommy and Daddy can pretty much kiss the rest of their sleep goodbye.

4 mins read

How To Introduce Pets and Babies

When we had our first child, we also were the proud parents of two cats. And neither of those fuzzy boys cared one bit when the baby came home for the first time. Actually, I believe one of them probably hid. But he took refuge under ottomans often, so it really wasn’t a big change.…

3 mins read

5 Things Moms Say Farewell To Once They Have Kids

For those of us that are parents, I don’t have to tell you that the very moment you have a child, your life changes immediately. Duh, right? You are suddenly responsible for the well-being of another human. It is no longer about just you but about that innocent child you just brought into the world.…