6 mins read

Picabo Street on Olympic Gold & Motherhood: “So Satisfying, It’s Scary”

Normal people don’t just join the United States Ski Team at age 17. They don’t just have a ski run named for them after winning an Olympic silver medal. And they certainly don’t get inducted into the National Ski Hall of Fame after scoring more Olympic and World Championship medals than you can count on two hands. It’s safe to say that Picabo Street has had an amazing life. And for this mom-of-three, it just keeps getting better and better. Despite her ups and downs, the amazingly talented skier and inspiring woman has always come out on top.

3 mins read

Should Kids Take a Gap Year Before College?

Sounds nice, doesn’t it? You’re 18. Just finished high school. Now, instead of heading to college to hit the books again, you travel, meet new people, and learn more about yourself. So why would parents oppose this? The “gap year” is an increasingly popular choice for American high schools – a year of work, study…

4 mins read

How to Teach the Importance of Education to Children

Children are blank canvases who can absorb an astounding amount of information at extremely young ages. As they grow and develop, education should be their main focus. You may notice that different children respond to school in various ways. Some children excel at advanced levels, whereas other kids misbehave and earn poor grades. It's critical…