7 mins read

My Son’s, Um, Interesting Idea Of Where Babies Come From

When my daughter was five, she starting asking questions about how babies are made. How does a baby get in a mommy’s tummy? How does a baby get out of a mommy’s tummy? I’d been to several parenting talks by various experts, who all gave the same advice: answer the question asked, and only the…

5 mins read

Last Minute Holiday Travel Tips

The following is a sponsored post for Chase Sapphire Preferred By Travel Expert Chris McGinnis Havent booked your holiday trip? Traveling with the children during the holiday season? Travel expert Chris McGinnis provides tips and tricks to find the best last minute travel deals, avoid common airport pitfalls and make the money you spend on travel work for you.

12 mins read

How to Fly Your Family First Class for (Almost) Free

Do you ever dream about taking your family on an amazing family vacation in which you fly first class to London, Paris, or even further afield – perhaps a safari in Africa or snorkeling in the Maldives? But then the reality of an expensive and harrowing long-haul flight in coach sinks in, and you sigh, starting to plan a trip to see relatives or a quick jaunt to Florida, the Caribbean or the West Coast.