3 mins read

How Moms Can Support The Protests From Home

As protests continue around the world following the death of George Floyd, I knew I wanted to do more than just share images on social media, but I struggled to find my place and voice in the movement. As a strong black activist and mom, I felt heavy, again. My community was hurting from the…

2 mins read

Does Gray Hair Start at the Roots or the Tips?

Your first few strands of gray hair can seem to grow out overnight. Hair rich and uniform in color is suddenly peppered with a few rogue white strands, which are soon joined by more of their kind. Understanding how gray hair starts, as well the actual process by which hair loses its color, helps you better understand your options once you do start to go gray. Gray hair starts deep inside the hair root with special cells called melanocytes, which your hair relies on for color.

2 mins read

How to Grow a Miniature Orange Tree

The miniature orange tree, also known as Calamondin, is a native plant commonly harvested as a crop in the Philippines and China. It is an upright tree with very few thorns in its branches. In colder parts of the United States, Calamondin usually grows indoors as an ornamental miniature plant that produces fruits and fragrant flowers. In warmer parts of California and Florida, they can grow outdoors with extra care during colder months.

6 mins read

Tips For Handling Hot Flashes

The origin of a hot flash or night sweat can tend to be confusing even for most doctors. They believe it is related to sex hormone fluctuations which is only part of story. My 33 years in the women’s health field allowed me to use my empirical evidence of observation to learn the real cause…