1 min read

Food Requirements for Women Over Fifty

As women age, their dietary needs change with time. Activity levels, hormonal issues and the cessation of monthly cycles all contribute to a woman’s changing body. Once a woman reaches 50, her metabolism slows down, her bones become more brittle, and she is at an increased risk for heart disease. Understanding the importance of nutrition can help women over 50 maintain their health.

3 mins read

The Smallest Amount of Money Required to Buy Shares

From planning for retirement to preparing for a child’s education, a number of reasons may make moms want to buy shares or look into investing. With many companies offering online trading, you can often buy shares at less expense than you could if you worked with a stock broker. How little money each share costs depends on the company you decide to use for your trades.

4 mins read

Reclaim Your Smile: Top Cosmetic Dentistry Options for Busy Moms

As a busy mom, your schedule is packed with endless responsibilities. From shuttling kids to school and extracurricular activities to managing household chores and possibly balancing a career, it's easy to put your personal needs on the back burner. However, your smile is essential to your overall well-being and confidence. Fortunately, several cosmetic dentistry options…

5 mins read

Harvard and Other Elite Schools End Test Optional Applications: What You Need to Know

In a move that has rekindled discussions about the role of standardized tests in college admissions, Harvard University has recently announced that it will reintroduce SAT and ACT scores as a requirement for its application process. This decision marks a significant shift from the temporary test-optional policies adopted by many institutions during the pandemic. Understandably,…