7 mins read

Building a House From the Ground Up

My husband and I have been talking forever about building a house from scratch. We bought the house were in now twelve years ago, before we had children. Its a great house, and its served us well, but weve outgrown it.

3 mins read

Don’t be afraid to ask for help~

In the last week, my husband and I decided to purchase a new home. We have been keeping our eyes on some neighborhoods for a while, but when this home on a cul de sac came up, we got over there quickly to take a peek. We wanted nothing more than a quiet street for our active kids to play, without the worry of cars whizzing by. Things of course happened at a very fast pace, and now we are in the midst of coordinating logistics of remodeling this home and getting ours prepared to put on the market. I am a bit sleep deprived to say the least.