3 mins read

Should Kids Always Be Careful?

“Be careful!” Nod your head if you’ve said this to your child today.  Yeah, me too. This well meaning phrase is used ad nauseum in the modern world. There are a lot of dangers out there, yes. We love our kiddos with every ounce of our being, of course. The mama bear instinct is real.…

5 mins read

5 Phrases Infecting Your Child’s Education

The following is a guest post by Raj (Anurag) Pandey, Education Program Director at MathCrunch. Parents have a tremendous impact on a child’s achievement. According to the National Parent Teacher Association (PTA), when parents are involved, regardless of income or background, children are more likely to earn higher grades and test scores, enroll in higher-level…

4 mins read

It’s Not My Job To Make My Kids Happy

I am not my childs friend.Years ago, I overheard a veteran mom speak these words with a confident, dismissive shrug. My kids were tiny then. I was a new mom. Everything parenting was fresh as a summers day.Her callous words felt like a punch to my heart. Of course I was my childs friend! His protector, his confident, his cook, his maid, hiseverything!I was committed to being the …

7 mins read

70s Childhoods Vs Now – What’s Been Lost

I grew up in the 70s. This meant I was lucky to experience childhood long before helicopter parents, abstinence pledges, SAT prep courses and sexting obliterated the myriad reckless joys of American adolescence. Most parents had more than two kids, plus jobs, problems and pressures of their own. Kids’ technology risks consisted primarily of overdosing…

26 mins read

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