6 mins read

Is Your Teen Cutting Herself?

Today, U.S. News and World Report published an article about YouTube videos of teens and tweens cutting (Teens Posting Cutting Videos on YouTube, February 21, 2011). Among professionals and parents alike, there remains much confusion about teen cutting and self-harm.

3 mins read

Acupuncture Treatment for Infertility in Women

If you and your partner have been trying to conceive for more than a year with no luck, it’s time for you to see a fertility specialist. You or your partner may have something treatable. Many safe and effective therapies exist, according to MayoClinic.com. Acupuncture, combined with in vitro fertilization or used instead of medications, is one of your options.

3 mins read

Ways to Improve Your Sex Drive

All women experience different levels of sex drive during their lives and at some points it might be lower than you like. A woman can experience a reduced libido for a variety of reasons and there are many things that can contribute to making the situation improve. Causes include, hormonal imbalances to depression and increased emotional issues. The exact cause of decreased sex drive in women can be a very difficult thing to determine. the trick is to identify the problem and then find the best remedies that match the direct cause. Often simple, meditative, holistic approaches can help achieve the desired results and quickly improve a woman’s sex drive.

3 mins read

How to Build Up Sexual Stamina

Are you longing to become a sexual dynamo but are just too tired to perform well? Take heart. You’re not destined to be a dud. Sex is not a talent—you aren’t born knowing the best ways to do it. It’s a skill that is learned and perfected. Sex is physical, psychological and emotional. To have a heightened sexual experience teaming with desire and stamina, you need to take care of yourself: body, mind and soul.

3 mins read

How to Boost Sex Drive

Not only is low sex drive a frustrating circumstance, it can be damning to a relationship. When one partner constantly is rejected by the other, tensions build. When tensions are at a high, it often is the case fights will arise and the strain will persist. Low sex drive is caused by any number of problems related to psychological reserves, hormonal changes, physical health and relationship problems. While it often is difficult to assess the main cause of the problem, a well-rounded approach to treating the issue will leave both you and your partner with a big smile.