2 mins read

Hair Regrowth Products With Guaranteed Results

Hair loss affects both men and women. Andogenetic alopecia, also known as pattern baldness or hereditary hair loss, makes up almost 95 percent of all cases of hair loss. Infomercials, print ads and Internet marketers offer topical serums, supplements and laser combs “guaranteed” to give you results. Take a second look at these hair regrowth products, and you’ll find that you have no assurance of their safety or efficacy, as defined by the FDA.

3 mins read

Hair Regrowth Products for Women

According to the American Hair Loss Association, nearly half the people suffering from hair loss are women. Unlike male pattern balding in which hair loss is almost always genetic, the causes for female pattern hair loss are numerous. Genetics, stress, pregnancy and childbirth, poor nutrition, hormonal imbalances, the use of certain medications and too-tight hairstyles can all contribute to hair loss. Fortunately, there are hair-loss treatments that encourage regrowth.

1 min read

How to Compare Women’s Hair Regrowth Products

When your hair starts falling out in large chunks, you are probably ready to do anything to get your hair growing again. One stroll down the hair aisle, with dozens of colored boxes of hair growth products, will tell you that there are more than a few choices to choose from. Hair growth is not the type of thing you want to experiment with. You need to find a product that will work and not cause further problems.

2 mins read

Hair Regrowth Products for Men

Hair loss is an unfortunate fact of life for many men. For some men, only extreme treatments, such as surgical hair transplants, will restore their hair, but many other men may see hair regrowth simply by using an over-the-counter or prescription medication. Products that regrow hair include topical ointments, injections and pills.

2 mins read

Tips on Hair Regrowth

Like many women, you may experience occasional dissatisfaction with your hair, wishing it were longer and more appealing. Bad haircuts, poor diet, incorrect styling procedures and certain medications can all damage your hair. Like many things in your physical makeup, heredity plays a large part in the growth of your hair. Although you cannot change your genetic structure, you can improve your hair’s ability to grow long and strong. Good health and proper care can help you attain a healthy head of hair.