8 mins read

Safe Haven: An Interview with Nicholas Sparks

If you’ve read a few Nicholas Sparks’ novels, you may have wondered whether the author has some type of magical formula for creating such compelling stories of romance. (One part of the equation: Good people who fall in love despite their differences, usually in North Carolina.)

2 mins read

5 Small Ways to Cut Back on Clutter

Being an organized mom is somewhat like being an artist. You just need some good supplies, tools and a little good advice. Everyone knows that there is an artist within all of us. It just needs to be drawn out and given a chance to perform. I would challenge each mom to give it a positive try. Here are some tools and advice I would give to the mom who wants to be organized: Practice Smart Scheduling

3 mins read

Issues With a Surrogate Pregnancy

Some couples, unable to have children of their own, sing the praises of the surrogate process; however, this child-granting medical procedure is not without its issues. Since its creation, this process has been marked with controversy. If you are preparing to enter into a surrogacy arrangement, consider some of the issues that have proven taxing in the past to ensure that you can avoid them now.