4 mins read

Things your twin babies DON’T need

As promised, here’s my short list of non-essential items for raising twins. Now, don’t get me wrong, I want my kids to be happy and healthy just like any other sane, well-meaning mother, but some things just aren’t needed. Some of the items in my list are based on personal preference and some (actually most) are just… well, ridiculous!

5 mins read

Fashion for Women Over 40

You’ve passed the 40-year-old milestone people once referred to as “middle-aged,” a term than conjures visions of a woman past her prime. Maybe you have teenage daughters who now get the attention you used to attract. The answer is not to dress like a teenager yourself just because you can; that only makes you look older. On the other hand, you don’t have to look like a frump with elastic pants and sensible shoes. As a 40-something, a wonderful world of fantastic clothes is just waiting for you to explore.