6 mins read

What’s Your Tech Persona?

While your electronic accessories don’t define you as a person, there are always ways that a gadget can show off your unique style. This is true whether you’re a career-driven working mom with a Blackberry glued to your hand, or a free spirited artist with your well-worn Nook bearing the paint smudges of your latest work.Or maybe you just like to match your iPad with your outfit.

4 mins read

Gifting Yourself some Green

Green has always been one of my favorite colors. Why you may ask? Maybe it is because I have always been complimented on my green eyes. Maybe it is because my mom always dressed me in green for special occasions and family photographs of which I have fond memories of. Perhaps it has do to with something in my subconscious mind and having the name of Shaun, which is an Irish name and Ireland is famous for being green. Or maybe it is because I was an art major in college and the color green was a pretty constant theme in most of my pieces. Hmm, maybe it