10 mins read

10 Things Happy Moms Do Differently

“Today’s feminism isn’t about women doing it all. It’s about women NOT having to do it all.” -Gloria SteinemI began buying into the myth of “doing it all” at an early age. In my 20s, I had my checklist life in mind: start a lucrative career right after college, meet someone and fall in love, get married by age 30, get my career to a successful enough point that I could …

4 mins read

When Snow Days Seem Like Evil Plots To Ruin Your Sanity…

Only a few weeks into 2014, East Coast moms have had a few too many snow days already. Isn’t it funny how snow days change based on your kids ages?My friends with children under 12 dread snow days and take them as personal affronts.Last Tuesday morning, with every school in Washington closed before a single snowflake fell, my phone and Facebook were burning up with messages from moms of young kids. Nooooooo …

5 mins read

Do You Feel Mommy Guilt?

After months of people telling me not to feel guilty, and my deeply rooted inability to take that advice, I have a new mantra, and its all thanks to Michael Douglas as Gordon Gekko. Guilt – for lack of a better word – is good. Guilt is right. Guilt works.

3 mins read

Ways to Baby Proof Your Home

From the time of conception, a mother begins planning for the safety of her child. The womb provides a cozy, safe home until your baby is born. Baby proofing the home keeps the baby safe once she arrives. To an adult, the home feels like a safe environment, but babies find lots of potential dangers, especially once they become mobile. Look at the home from a crawling baby’s perspective to identify the risks.