6 mins read

Permission to Parent

We are in a new developmental phase – age 6. The power struggle my daughter and I have had since day one has escalated and I feel like I am losing most of the battles these days. Being a highly energetic, curious and exuberant child she is on the go from the moment she wakes up at 6am to the moment she closes her eyes at 8:30 (and lately 9:30) at night. Plus she …

4 mins read

How Much Time Do You Spend On Your (Facebook) Appearance?

Facebook.Love or hate it.FB Feast or FB Fast.I ran into a long lost pal of mine at Trader Joes, a girl that I had been pals with in my teens. We had both been theater geeks in Washington DC together and there we were in the middle of a Los Angeles Trader Joes, coffee samples in hand, shooting the proverbial shit. Even though it had been close to thirty years …

6 mins read

ModernMom Chronicles: Chapter Thirty Two

Well tell everyone that we adopted him, Michael says. We cant lie, Heather says, holding the fluffy puppy against her chest. Besides, no one is going to believe that we found a golden retriever puppy at a rescue. A pit bull or terrier mix. Yes. But not this dog.