3 mins read

Advantages of Organic Food

Organic food, once regarded as part of hippie culture, is quickly gaining in popularity and commanding larger sections in local supermarkets. Even big business wants a part of the “green” as they race to create products that are more environmentally and health-friendly. The advantages of organic food are many. While some consumers might buy organic food strictly for its health benefits, others support the organic movement for environmental reasons and animal rights. Lastly, there are those who just want to see their local organic farmers thrive.

3 mins read

The Most Important Senate Bill You’ve Never Heard Of

Nothing beats childcare as a bore-everyone-to-tears parenting subject. Long wait-lists; caregiver-child ratios; the pros and cons of in-home versus institutional care; the prevalence of germs; late fees; how to certify employees.When that positive pregnancy test sent you over the moon, did you ever think your joy would be reduced to this?When it comes to childcare, the details verge on grim.Unless it is your child who is being cared for.Then there are …

5 mins read

Quick, Hide The Knives

Two articles in the New York Times and the Atlantic Monthly describe new research that unearths the phenomena of womens so-called indirect aggression.Unfortunately, the findings are described in distinctly negative terms. The Evolution of Bitchiness, is the Atlantics title.A Cold War Fought by Women is the slightly less derogatory title chosen by the Times.These august publications are two of the oldest, WASPiest, Harvard-est publications in the nation, devoured by our …

6 mins read

Why Aren’t We Demanding Universal Daycare?

For too many working parents, summer is a nerve-wracking roller coaster of scattershot camps, vacations with relatives, and kids left alone for too long. We gratefully return our children to regular school in September. This nutty break is stressful for parents and kids — a far cry from idealized summers together at the pool, beach or backyard.