6 mins read

Skip The Speed: 5 Reasons Teens Should Avoid Energy Drinks

This is the second piece in a three-part series from Bright Beacon on energy drinks. Don’t miss the first part – Energy Drinks: Do You Know What Your Kids Are Drinking? We all teach our kids to say no to drugs, but how many parents think to warn their children about the dangers of Red Bull?Here are five reasons why kids should stay away from energy drinks: 5. CAFFEINE – Heavy caffeine use has been linked to negative health effects. Energy drinks have more caffeine than coffee, and they aren’t regulated by the FDA.

2 mins read

What Is Behavioral Family Intervention?

For families experiencing extreme stress relative to behavior issues, behavioral family intervention offers a long-term, therapeutic approach. Many parent training programs offered through social service agencies, educational programs and private counselors utilize aspects of behavioral family intervention to treat everything from severely disruptive behavior to mental health issues. Some clients utilize these programs for years, while others attend a few sessions to acquire the tools to do a more self-directed program.

2 mins read

Camps for Kids With ADHD

Summer camp can be a memorable, educational and even therapeutic experience for a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD. Some kids with ADHD will thrive in traditional camps and do not require any special accommodations, but others may do best in a camp designed for children with learning disabilities or special needs.