12 mins read

How to Fly Your Family First Class for (Almost) Free

Do you ever dream about taking your family on an amazing family vacation in which you fly first class to London, Paris, or even further afield – perhaps a safari in Africa or snorkeling in the Maldives? But then the reality of an expensive and harrowing long-haul flight in coach sinks in, and you sigh, starting to plan a trip to see relatives or a quick jaunt to Florida, the Caribbean or the West Coast.

6 mins read

What Moms Really Want for Mother’s Day

Motherhood, Ive found, is filled with unexpected ecstasy – and dark secrets. The kind you only reveal to your most cherished friends, people who are also mothers, preferably ones who have known you since you were also a kid. Sometimes, its hard to confess some of motherhoods realities to anyone. Even yourself.

4 mins read

Sending Love To The Haters

I promised my readers when I started blogging, that I would always be honest– show the good, the bad, and the ugly. And for that reason, I’m sure you Modern Moms won’t question why I posted this below. Or maybe you might. Who posts hate mail? (And a pretty bad one, to boot.)