5 mins read

Finding and Expressing True Gratitude

The following is a guest post by Jason Anthony. Do you know the difference between having thanks and truly being grateful? It has been said that you do not know what you have until it is gone, and that is a lesson that could not be more true for me. I used to sort of bounce through life offering thanks to many around me in a cordial kind of way, but I didnt really consider what it meant to have a real appreciation for what it was I had.

3 mins read

Can You Get Pregnant Without Menstruating?

It’s easy to think that you can’t get pregnant if you’re not having a regular menstrual cycle. It makes perfect sense that if you’re not having periods, you’re not fertile. The truth is that whether or not you can become pregnant depends on why you’re not menstruating and if you’re ovulating. Even if you’re not having regular periods, you could become pregnant and should use birth control to prevent pregnancy unless you’re trying to conceive.

6 mins read

7 Ways To Prepare Your Child For New Sibling

I consider myself thoroughly blessed for the beautiful family I have. My husband and two adorable little kids are my constant pillars of support. They make me realize that there’s nothing in the world that I can’t achieve as long as they are by my side. When my husband and I had our first baby,…

5 mins read

THE CONFIDENCE GAP: What Our Daughters Need to Know

The answer to life is yes. Take every opportunity and risk you can. Youll only regret the things you didnt do because you were afraid to try.–Cecile Richards Parents have it tough. Many of us grew up during the Dont Talk Back to Me years and now weve got to give our daughters the Speak Up Loudly and Frequently message. Boys are expected to be loud, rowdy roughhousers. They get …

9 mins read

How To Have A Kid-Friendly Family Vacation In Italy

Now that my kids are able to pull their own suitcases and keep themselves entertained for long stretches of time, we’ve begun taking them on trips to different parts of the world something I’ve been waiting to do since the day they were born.Whenever I plan a trip, I spend a lot of time online doing searches for things to do with kids wherever were going to be. Invariably, I find …