2 mins read

Signs of Preterm Labor in Pregnancy

Preterm labor is labor that occurs before the 37th week in a normal 40-week pregnancy. The March of Dimes reports that 12 percent of babies born in the United States each year are born premature. These babies usually require longer hospital stays and experience more extensive long-term health problems. Sadly, according to the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), premature babies account for most newborn deaths. Learn the signs of preterm labor in pregnancy so you can be prepared.

3 mins read

In Which Position Should a Baby Sleep?

Sleep may have been something you took for granted before you became a mom. After you have a baby, however, it seems as if you can think of nothing but sleep. Not only are you most likely sleep deprived, but you also have to think about the best sleep situation for your baby.

3 mins read

Healthy Pregnancy Guidelines

Pregnancy and the first few weeks of an infant’s life historically were once a dangerous time for mother and baby. Today, with the knowledge about how to have a healthy pregnancy, the risk of pregnancy-related deaths has decreased a staggering 99 percent, according to a report produced by National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion since 1900. For the most part, the standard healthy pregnancy guidelines followed by most doctors are simple, yet have a hugely positive impact on the health of the mother and the baby.