3 mins read

Signs of Hypertension During Pregnancy

Simple hypertension in pregnancy, also known as gestational hypertension, is not an unusual complication of pregnancy. Gestational hypertension is merely an elevation in blood pressure that needs to be monitored, but in some cases it can develop into a more serious condition known as pregnancy-induced hypertension. It’s important to be on the lookout for signs of pregnancy-induced hypertension, as it can often be a precursor to a life-threatening pregnancy complication known as preeclampsia.

4 mins read

Who The Heck Is St. Valentine, Anyway?

As we were cutting out paper hearts and sprinkling glitter on my daughters Valentines Day cards this week, she stopped and asked me why we celebrate this day of love each year. I didn’t have an answer.What is the history of Valentines Day? Who was the fellow we call St. Valentine, and why do we send cards in his honor? After some digging, this is what I discovered: Who Was …

6 mins read

Summer Shaving Style: Do You Go Bald or Burly?

To me, shaving is an interesting aspect of being a female, since it is more of a beauty routine than a hygienic or health necessity. For some cultures and women, shaving is neither interesting and nor necessary. However, in our society, it is noticed. For some, hair on the face or under the arms can be embarrassing and women seek to have it removed.

4 mins read

4 Steps to Raising a Future Writer

Lots of parents read aloud to their baby and toddler, but few take the next step: encouraging early writing. Did you know that babies can draw pictures (prewriting) and create narratives at between 2 and 3 years of age? A young child who is stimulated with targeted activities early and often can be writing and illustrating complex stories by age 4 or 5.