6 mins read

The Warm Pool of Pee

This is a guest post by Lauren Fishman. The summertime brings so many fun things to do with the kids including one of my family’s favorites, spending the day at the local pool. Going to the pool for the day, however, or even a few hours, means packing up a bag that looks like it could hold a week’s worth of contents, maybe more. You know those movies where the parents show up …

3 mins read

How Do I Get Kids to Eat Vegetables and Fruits?

The likelihood of a dinnertime meltdown of confirmed vegaphobes increases proportionally to the number of green foods on his plate. Broccoli, spinach and Brussels sprouts are healthy foods that look attractive on the plate — and stay there. You need to use your culinary wiles to get your picky eaters to eat a healthy diet sometimes, but extra efforts pay off in their good health and your peace of mind.

5 mins read

7 Fun Yet Frugal Date Ideas

Just because you’re trying to save some money these days doesnt mean you have to skimp on fun dates with the hubby. You do not have to spend a lot of money on a fancy dinner to have a good time. Not to mention, movie theater prices are through the roof! With a little creativity, you could have a fun bargain date. Sometimes, the best dates could end up costing $20 or less! Send the kids to grandma’s house and plan to have a good time together, nurturing your love life.