3 mins read

Healthy Habits for the Whole Family

It’s already April, but that’s not too late to make a 2011 resolution! Trade in your family’s lazy habits for healthier ones by encouraging each member of your household to spend more time as a unit, rather than as individuals. Family members can feel neglected if everyone spends too much time doing their own thing–surfing the web, watching TV, playing video games, or other sedentary individual activities. Below are some ideas to implement with your family for a happier, healthier house!

2 mins read

Cute Dress-Up Games for Kids

Some days, you would give anything to go back to the carefree days of childhood. Kids are just the opposite. They dream about the days when they will be in charge and take responsibility. They love to help out and pretend to be all grown-up. Indulge their love for dressing up with a game designed just for them.

8 mins read

The Family Guide to Bug Bites 

Bug bites have been a persistent souvenir of outdoor activities throughout human history, and today, these pesky critters continue to trouble our families. It’s an all-too-familiar scene—your kids return from outdoor play, already scratching at fresh bug bites acquired in the backyard. To effectively deal with these nuisances, it’s essential to understand the distinct preferences and behaviors of common pests that leave us with itchy welts.

In this article, we’ll explore three of the most prevalent bloodsucking pests before delving into effective strategies to safeguard your family and home from these persistent invaders.

4 mins read

Five Best Practices for School Success

“You don’t have to make it perfect, but you can make it great.” – Alessio, my 5-year old son, advising his frustrated little sister on why her squiggly lines are okay in her first attempts at writing the alphabet

It’s back-to-school time again.  In families across America the homework showdowns have already begun.   Parents struggle with homework almost as much as kids do.  After a full day at school, it’s hard to get …

5 mins read

Three Tips To Help Tame Our Kids Tech

Get this: U.S. teenagers now spend a whopping NINE HOURS A DAY using media. That’s more time than most spend sleeping, learning, or hanging out with us. The nine hours includes watching TV, videos and movies, playing video games, listening to music, and checking social media. New research shows that some 13 year olds check…