5 mins read

An Autistic Teen tries Fantasy Baseball

What is fantasy baseball? Fantasy baseball is a game that is played by becoming the “owner” of a fantasy baseball team. You are the general manager of a fake team that you choose (either by draft or by auction) of real live baseball players (all MLB players are there for the choosing). The game is…

3 mins read

Family Friendly Games

If you’re looking for a family activity this Memorial Day that will stimulate conversation, foster a spirit of cooperation, and teach family members how to win and lose gracefully, play a game together. Family-friendly games can promote a sense of unity and togetherness in a family. When choosing games to play, look for ones that are designed to be played by groups of people, have simple rules and are appropriate for all ages and skill levels.

4 mins read

Mommy Friends

The “mommy” friends we’ve made through our children, have a fun tradition we have been celebrating for 10 years now. Ranging in age, ethnicity, education, religion but– all with the common bond– motherhood. At first it was mommy and me, then Gymboree classes and My Gym. We started soccer together– music classes, beach camp– baseball, surfing, volleyball, Cotillion and many many other activites.

4 mins read

How Can I Play My iPod in My Car?

From the moment you wake up until the end of the day, the iPod is your trusted companion on and off the road. You can enjoy the benefits of nonstop music while driving on long highways and through busy streets. It is possible to play your iPod in your car.