4 mins read

Why It’s So Hard To Practice What You Preach

  The sun is out ???????????????????? A post shared by constanceandtribe (@mrsconstancehall) on Aug 27, 2017 at 1:36am PDT Constance Hall is an Australian blogger that often shares relatable nuggets about motherhood on Facebook. Many of Constance’s musing go viral because she has an ability to craft thoughts that many women and mothers have. Her…

8 mins read

Turkey With A Side of #SportBits

Hello ModernMoms. Happy Black Friday! I hope your Thanksgiving Day festivities were stress-free and fun, filled with yummy food, family and friends. May I suggest avoiding the crowds and doing your sale shopping on-line? Grab your laptop and plop on the couch. Heat up the leftovers and turn on the TV in the background. So…

6 mins read

Help Care For Animals Injured By Fire

Last week the Butte Fire in Amador and Calaveras counties ravaged my hometown communities. Calaveras took the biggest beating, with many of the 75,000 acres burned and 545 residences/356 outbuildings lost, in that county. County lines have all but diminished however, with families and local businesses from both pulling together to help those impacted by…

4 mins read

Business Travel Shortcuts For The Working Parent

Last winter, I tried five times, unsuccessfully, to take a business trip from New York to Phoenix. On all five attempts, my flight was delayed and then cancelled for weather-related reasons. In my view, this really meant five wasted trips to the airport and dozens of hours I will never get back. For us working…