2 mins read

Paint Colors for a Baby Nursery

Don’t let the joy of decorating your baby’s room be tempered by the overwhelming number of choices you face. When you start by choosing the perfect color scheme, the rest will be easier and more fun. Selecting just the right colors depends on personal preferences, but the Creative Baby Nursery Rooms website suggests that if you go with more than one color, keep them in the same family; that is, all bright colors, all pastels or all muted.

4 mins read

Just Another Mom’s Thoughts on Fifty Shades of Grey

Some call it liberating, fascinating, empowering, sexy, and intriguing. Others call it disgusting, mommy porn, abusive, and embarrassing. But let us just call it what it is...a phenomenon...the Fifty Shades of Grey phenomenon. Women around the world, and some men too, are excitedly awaiting the world wide premier of this highly anticipated movie. Unlike in…

3 mins read

How to Ease the Transition When Mom Goes Back to Work

When I was a teacher, this time of year meant returning to work after having my summer off with the kids. Though it was never as hard as the first time, each fall was a difficult transition for the whole family: Suddenly I was not there full-time to clean the house, prepare meals, do laundry, buy groceries, etc.