2 mins read

Reliability of the Rhythm Method of Birth Control

The rhythm method is a popular birth control method that has been in practice for about as long as humans have been recording these practices. It is a natural method, requiring no drugs or devices to prevent pregnancy. For this reason, many with personal, medical or religious aversions to birth control use the rhythm method.

26 mins read

Terms of Use

Introduction This Web Site is provided to you under these “Terms of Use” and any amendments or supplements to them that may be posted by Momenta, LLC (“Modern Mom”) from time to time (collectively referred to as this “Agreement”). Your use of this Web Site shall be deemed to constitute your consent to be bound…

9 mins read

Privacy Policy

Welcome Welcome to ModernMom.com, a website owned by Momenta, LLC. This Privacy Policy is designed to tell you about our practices regarding collection, use, and disclosure of information that you may provide via this site. Please be sure to read this entire Privacy Policy before using or submitting information to this site. Your Consent By…

4 mins read

Your Child’s Privacy Has Flown the Coop

Angry Birds, one of the most popular game apps ever, lets you take out frustrations vicariously by flinging digital birds at pigs. But, it isnt as innocent as may seem. In addition to wasting time, the app has been known to store personal info such as location to target specific ads at you. And its not alone.