5 mins read

A Difficult Autism Experience

A Difficult Autism Experience I recently spoke with an AutMom who had this experience… Her nine-year-old son with autism attends a local elementary school. For about a year or two, her son was having difficulty with an obsession—a peer. A girl peer. Her son was convinced that this girl was his girlfriend. He was in…

6 mins read

A Community Autism Experience

I was at the gym the other day. I was about to get into the swimming pool when a lifeguard approached me and said, “There’s a young man who is going to share your lane with you. He has high functioning autism, but he knows how to share a pool lane.” What happened? Well, nothing…

3 mins read

The Complexities of Raising A Person

The following guest post is by Miriam Levine. As my son’s first birthday is rapidly approaching, I can’t help but rewind this past year in my mind. The first year of life is remarkable. A symbiotic worm emerges into this world and before the year is over a little man is running after me, feeding himself…

6 mins read

An Extraordinary “Ordinary” Person

For this series, MOMS DO THE MOST AMAZING THINGS, I’ve interviewed celebrities, TV personalities, and New York Times bestselling authors, but I know from personal experience that the extraordinary often goes unrecognized in “ordinary” people. Not on camera. Not with a million followers on Instagram. Not on anyone’s most influential list. I’ve met many of…