6 mins read

How To Become Your Own Personal Trainer

Hiring a personal trainer is an excellent way to ensure you will get your workouts done. If you are currently working with a personal trainer or have had one in the past, you probably realized that one of the benefits of hiring a trainer is ACCOUNTABILITY. When you schedule and pay for the training session…

4 mins read

Halloween Hysteria – How Parents Can Enjoy Halloween

Sometimes, it seems like American parents, in our quest for perfection, specialize in leaching parenting of every ounce of joy. We try so mightily to protect our children from danger, disappointment, and emotional pain, that we ironically miss the true risks to our kids’ long-term happiness. Take Halloween. Many historians believe Halloween originated not with…

3 mins read

3 Ways to Enjoy Your Life More!

People are busier than ever between work, family, activities and volunteering to help others. Now add your blackberry, pager, internet, and other tech savvy gadgets. I once worked with a woman that was so busy with her life that she wasn’t enjoying her life. She thought everything she had going on was so important, that keeping her cell phone attached to her hip every hour of the day was a necessity. She got caught up in the rat race of everything and needed some help taking a break and getting re-focused. Do any of you feel like your days just blend together with a lack of direction or purpose? Do you feel like you are in a hamster cage doing the same things over and over?