3 mins read

10 Things Nobody Will Tell You About Having A Baby

After reading "20 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Had Kids," I was inspired to share some wisdom of my own. So without further ado, here are ten things I learned as a new mom: 1. People Will Hate Your Kid’s Name There’s no way to win this one. Classic, retro, unique - someone…

6 mins read

Six Reasons to Have Six Kids

When people hear that I have six kids, the reaction is usually entertaining. Sure, there are some days when I wonder what Ive gotten myself into, worry about the world theyll inherit, and/or consider the environmental footprint of a family like mine. But most of the time I just celebrate how awesome it is to have six kids. Here are a few reasons why:

3 mins read

Should I Earn a College Degree

So you’re thinking of adding a new or different college degree. Bottom line: Only you can decide. Like it or not, costs will play a big factor in your decision. Ultimately, dreaming and finding happiness are paramount The “intangibles” of advancing educationally are huge. The farther you go, the more prestige and status you enjoy,…

5 mins read

I’ll Screw Up My Kids No Matter How Hard I Try…

I can’t tell you how many times I repeated that phrase to my four-year old while visiting my Mom this past weekend. Swimming nonstop for 6 hours straight combined with the fact that I overcooked her mac and cheese and forgot to pack her favorite Hello Kitty underwear really sent her over the edge. And I didn’t miss the small smile forming on my mother’s lips as she watched Miss R demand the crust be taken off her bread or when she told me that my singing “hurt her ears”. (In her defense, I am a TERRIBLE singer. But still.)