5 mins read

10 Tips To Manage Your Household Budget

Taking care of a family is hard enough, but managing the finances can seem next to impossible. Not only do you want to give them everything you can, but you also want to do it all without breaking the bank. Here are 10 ways to create and manage a budget that you can stick to…

3 mins read

Keeping Your Marriage Alive When You Have A Hospitalized Preemie

Having a child in the is stressful, emotional, anxiety filled and just plain hard on any person!!!Now add being a Mom to another child at home, being married, working, running a household and grieving the loss of our son, my daughter’s twin. If this is not a recipe for a girl to loose it and a marriage to fall apart, I don’t know what is?!?!When I think back and ask myself …

5 mins read

Women, Money, and Why Asking for More Is Always a Good Idea

Boy oh boy. Microsoft's CEO Satya Nadella, a tech veteran but new to the big Microsoft job since February, really goofed last week at an Arizona tech conference for women. Maria Klawe, a software engineer, former Princeton department head, and member of Microsoft’s board of directors, asked him about the problem of women getting paid…