3 mins read

What Vitamins Increase Fertility?

Its easier for some couples to get pregnant than it is for others. If you would like better odds in conceiving a child, certain vitamins could help with both female and male fertility, according to the University of Michigan Health System. Certain vitamins can improve your chances of becoming pregnant and can improve your partners sperm quality.

4 mins read

Pomegranates: The Mighty Red Miracle Fruit

I was staring out my kitchen window this morning and looking out at my pomegranate tree – it’s so pretty and it’s actually overflowing with fruit! I love this time of year when it’s in full season. So I went outside, climbed up on my stepstool and picked a few of them. It takes a little bit of work to get those deliciously sweet and tart seeds out of the fruit, but whether you do it in a bowl of cold water or cut them open and take them out one by one… it’s seriously worth it!

6 mins read

Foods to Help You Glow

Time to get your glow on, Mama! Oh we get it how is a new mom supposed to have a glow-y look when shes up to her ears in sleepless nights and poopy diapers? Or how is a seasoned mom supposed to maintain her most fabulous self when shes trying her very best to balance the many responsibilities on her day-to-day calendar? Well, fear no more now you can shine from the inside out. How? With the greatest medicine possible: Food.

4 mins read

Healthy Chocolate. Really!

What if I told you there was such a thing called healthy chocolate? And then I told you it could function as sunscreen, increase your circulation, increase your hydration levels, decrease inflammation in your body and smooth out rough, scaly skin? (Oh and it tastes DIVINE!!!!) Your …