3 mins read

Thanksgiving Dinner Party Ideas

Make your next Thanksgiving dinner more memorable with ideas that are different from the usual dinner table get-together. By coming up with a different way to have your next Thanksgiving dinner party, you will bring more reactions and interactions with everyone tuned in to the occasion. Think of what will work best for you and your guests so that everyone will have a grand time.

3 mins read

Birthday Party Ideas for 3-Year-Olds

The third year of a child’s life is a milestone year. This is the year your child moves from being a toddler to a preschooler, according to the National Network for Child Care. Suddenly, your child can walk, talk, count and do other “big kid” activities. This does not mean, however, that you should throw an elaborate birthday bash for her. Three-year-olds still have short attention spans. Instead, throw her an age-appropriate party that everyone will enjoy.

2 mins read

4-Year-Old Birthday Party Ideas

By the time many children turn 4, they have attended many birthday parties and understand their features and purpose. Make the most of the event by hosting a pint-sized birthday party that makes the day festive without over-stimulating or exhausting your child. Brainstorm birthday plans with your child to ensure the day reflects the guest of honor’s interests, hobbies or birthday wishes.

3 mins read

Fun Kid Games

Whether it is sitting around for a family game night, or sending the kids outside to play, tons of fun kids’ games are available to help you keep your children occupied and engaged for hours. When kids play games, in addition to having fun, they learn how to take turns, to solve small disputes and how to win and lose gracefully. If your children are looking for something to do, suggest a fun game to help them pass the time.