3 mins read

Keeping Valentine’s Day Simple and Sweet

Despite the fact that Valentine’s Day can be a bit of a contrived holiday, kids seem to love it. And with six kids in my family, it has traditionally been a very busy holiday in my household. It’s a huge undertaking to oversee the completion of Valentine’s cards for all the school friends, neighborhood kids,…

3 mins read

Cool Ideas for a 35th Birthday Party

Turning 35 can be a blessing for some and a curse for others. Some people are glad that they have not yet hit 40, while others realize they are halfway through their 30s. No matter what a person’s thoughts are about turning 35, make her birthday a little happier by throwing a party.

3 mins read

Hair Removal Cream for Women

Excess hair tends to grow in the areas where you least want it, such as under your arms, on your face and on your stomach. Luckily for you, a trip to the hair removal aisle of your favorite store proves there are plenty of options for getting rid of unwanted hair. You may want to try a hair removal cream. These creams tend to act quickly and may keep hair away longer than other options.

5 mins read

The Silent Treatment — Do It!

Having laryngitis is humbling and calls to mind this pearl of wisdom from Taoist philosopher Lao Tsu: Silence is a source of great strength. My family and friends are having a field day because they mistakenly perceive my silence as taking me as out of my power. Im not. Yes, this experience has re-affirmed how I would never voluntarily take a vow of silence or run off to a monastery. For a lawyer and radio show host, this is hell! Yet, in my forced retreat, I understand why people seek out silence. Calmness and quiet are gained with surrender to being silent. Although Im certainly out of my element, Im not without power.

5 mins read

How to Write an Online Dating Profile

An important part of searching online for a date is writing a compelling profile that introduces yourself to potential dating candidates. Your profile tells other members who you are and what you’re looking for in a date. Learn to write an online dating profile that targets the people you would like to date and increases your odds of a positive online dating experience.