1 min read

How Do I Change Toddler Sleep Habits?

Toddlers are often set in their routines, but sometimes those routines aren’t what’s best for them and their family. You might need more alone time in the evening or you may need to start waking your toddler up earlier to go to school or day care. Whether your toddler is getting up too early or going to bed too late, you can change her habits if you do it gradually and don’t expect an overnight miracle.

3 mins read

Healthy Baby Sleep Habits

Almost as soon as your baby is born, it can seem as though everyone around you is badgering about how much your baby is sleeping and how much sleep you’re getting as a result. Babies need a lot of sleep — as much as 16 hours a day — but it occurs in short bursts. This can disrupt your own sleep, but you can help your baby to develop good sleeping habits.

3 mins read

3-Month-Old Baby Sleeping Habits

By 3 months of age, your once lethargic bundle of joy will likely be more bright eyed and ready to adopt an entirely new pattern of sleep. Unlike their newborn counterparts, 3-month-olds are more aware of their surroundings and have started to form bonds with parents and other important figures in their lives, increasing the likelihood that they will be hesitant to part from these individuals when sleep time arrives. As you begin to tackle the task of creating a sleeping pattern for your tot, consider what sleep behaviors are typical of babies in this age group.

3 mins read

Teen Sleep Problems

Teenagers live busy lives. Between school, after-school jobs and time with friends, it may seem that most teenagers have no time for sleep. People need more sleep during the teenage years than they do as younger children or adults. According to MayoClinic.com, teenagers need at least nine hours of sleep a night, but most only get about six. The lack of sleep could be due to a busy lifestyle or it could point to a sleep disorder.