9 mins read

Ways to Engage Babies and Toddlers in Reading

The beginning years: The importance of the first 5 years Do you have a little one at home and have you thought about how you can challenge your baby and toddler on learning and staying engaged in reading? Babies’ brains continue to form after they are born. They are forming for physical development, and  also…

4 mins read

Baby Brain Development in the Womb

Your baby’s brain starts developing almost at the moment of conception, according to the Long Island Spectrum Center website. By the time you are three weeks pregnant, the developing embryo has formed a neural groove, which is the foundation for the brain structure. By the time your baby is born, her brain will have over 100 billion neurons.

3 mins read

Brain Synapses of Children with Autism

Children with autism have too many “junction boxes” in their brains, a studyhas found. The surplus synapses – places where neurons connect and communicate – are due to a lack of “pruning” that normally occurs early in life. In mice with autistic traits, scientists were able to restore synaptic pruning and reduce symptoms with a drug used to suppress the immune systems of transplant patients. The drug, rapamycin, has side effects that make it unsuitable as …