3 mins read

Could Your Weight Loss Resolve Have Unintended Consequences?

Could your New Year’s resolution have unintended consequences for your kids? As millions of Americans resolve to lose weight in 2012, parents need to be aware that their new diet and fitness regimens could have a potentially negative outcome – triggering eating disorders or body image issues in their children.

2 mins read

How to Discipline a Child Who Won’t Do As You Ask

Children misbehave for a variety of reasons. They may be testing the limits of authority. They may also be seeking attention. When children do not as asked, it is a form of misbehavior that prompts disciplinary action. According to Ohio State University, children should be expected to test authority and exert independence as they grow, and a certain amount of defiance is healthy. A lack of disciplinary action accompanied by continued defiance, however, will simply reinforce the negative behavior because there are no negative consequences associated with the defiance. Disciplining defiant children can be accomplished.

3 mins read

Diet Food for Children

When it comes to crafting a healthy diet for your child, focus on what she eats rather than how much. Subjecting children to a highly calorie-restrictive diet can have negative consequences, reports WebMD. To ensure that your efforts toward helping your child diet don’t have negative consequences, select an assortment of healthy foods to tempt his appetite instead of placing a cap on intake.

6 mins read

Sleep Training: The Myths and Facts

Sleep training is a hotly debated topic. Advocates and opponents have set up camps on two opposing sides of the sleep training divide with seemingly no middle ground. Proponents of sleep training argue that it does not harm the child and has benefits for the child and family. Opponents say that “cry-it-out” techniques are cruel…