2 mins read

6 Natural Ways to Boost Your Energy Level

We all have those days. Those days when you feel sluggish, sleepy, and unproductive. Whether you can pinpoint the exact reason why youre lacking energy (a long night taking care of a sick kid) or you really dont know why you cant seem to keep your eyes open, here are some surefire ways to boost your energy level and get back to being the best you that you can be! 1. Get Moving

2 mins read

Whooping Cough Natural Remedies

Whooping cough is a highly contagious, bacterial infection, also known as pertussis. Many whooping cough symptoms, including a fever and excess mucus, overlap with other illnesses, such as a flu or cold. The startling difference with whooping cough is the persistent bouts of coughing spells, which make it difficult for the patient to breathe. If you or a family member contracts whooping cough, see a doctor for diagnosis and antibiotics, before starting any home remedies.

2 mins read

Natural & Organic Makeup

Because the U.S. government does not regulate cosmetics for safety the same way it regulates foods and medicines, some people are concerned about the ingredients in makeup. Many of the ingredients in cosmetics may be harmful to you and to the environment, according to the Organic Consumers Association.

3 mins read

How to Detox the Body With Natural Products

Detoxifying your body is a great way to get rid of the chemicals, toxins and other harsh substances you ingest and come into contact with every single day. By detoxing, you will not only feel healthier, happier and better–you may even lose weight. Learn how to detox your body with natural products.

3 mins read

3 Ingredient Oatmeal Walnut Cookies

Ya know when you just score?  That's the way we feel about these cookies.  As moms and registered dietitians, these cookies seriously couldn't be better.  They are made with three, simple and healthy ingredients and are super fast to make.  They feel like a treat, but they're so healthy that they make a nourishing snack. …