6 mins read

What Kind of Water Should be Used in Infant Formula?

How you prepare infant formula can affect your baby’s health. Powdered or liquid concentrate formulas cost less than ready-to-serve formulas, but they require that you add water when mixing. Formula in the powdered form is the least expensive, but you need to follow the instructions on the formula can to know much water to use. What the directions on the can do not tell you is what kind of water is safest for mixing your infant’s formula.

2 mins read

How to Make My Home Green

A green home uses fewer resources and reduces greenhouse gases, while protecting the environment. Turning your home green not only benefits the environment through conservation and reduced pollution. Many eco-friendly changes also save money. You might have some hesitations or concerns about the cost and effort of making your home green. Fortunately, you can improve your homes eco-friendliness with little effort, time or money.